Friday, August 6, 2010

Northern Virginia Home Sales - Clarendon and Virginia Center

Northern Virginia Home Sales at walking distance to Clarendon and Virginia Center metro station as of August 6, 2010:
Ballston 880 -two 1 BR units - 350k and 400k; one 2 BR unit - 530k
Clarendon - 1 BR- 375k; five 2 BR units from 480k to 590k
Lexington Square - 1 BR -340k; 3 BR - 760k
Liberty Center - four 1 BR - from 400k to 515k; two 2 BR - 600k and 735k
Tower Villas - 2 BR - 500k
Virginia Square- 2 BR - 676K; 3 BR - 709k

Clarendon - 4 level- $1,090,000
Clarendon Park - 4 level - 830k
Jackson Court - 690k

Detached houses:
Latterners Clarendon - $4.3 mln
Lyon Village - 3 single family houses - $1.3 mln to $2.4 mln

Please get preapproved before I start showing any of the above properties to you. As usual, if you need help please email or call me at 703-577-4277.

For those who are still looking to rent near the metro these properties are available:
Hawthorn - $2000 for 1 BR (781 sq.ft)
Monroe - $3,800 for 2 BR (1,885 sq.ft)
Liberty - $2,700 - 2 BR - (884 sq.ft)
Station Square - $2,500 - 2 BR (933 sq.ft)
Tower Villa - $2,500 - 2 BR - (1,320 sq.ft)
Wentworth Place - $1,295 - efficiency (400 sq.ft)

Need help? Please leave a message at 703-937-0328.

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